Mount and blade throwing weapons
Mount and blade throwing weapons

mount and blade throwing weapons

You do this by going to an enemy village and chose hostile actions then one of the 2-3 actions (depends on the relationship with a city).You do this by clicking an enemy unit or city/castle then you chose the option to attack ie: siege the castle.Build productive enterprises to earn income.Train yourself and your soldiers in training fields.Help people among the land by doing quests for them.Win tournaments to level up and hone your skills.Trade between cities to make a profit off trade items.Become king or queen of all of Calradia.Help lords battle an enemy faction as a mercenary.

mount and blade throwing weapons

  • Raid the villages of enemy factions for food and money.
  • Attack enemy lords and bandits to get started.
  • When blocking with a weapon it only absorbs some of the damage of an attack and is ineffective at blocking projectiles.
  • You press the right mouse button (if you have a weapon right-click ) With a shield this effectively absorbs all damage from an attack, however after a number of attacks you shield will shatter and it can no longer be used for the duration of the battle.
  • With a ranged weapon such as Jarids, or a Bow, it shows the place where the arrow/weapon will go, the wider the reticle the less accurate the Bow and throwing weapons are as they can go anywhere between the reticle lines. The targeting reticle shows where your attack will land with a melee weapon.
  • You drag your mouse and click in the direction of an enemy.
  • To play you need a mouse and a keyboard and a decent graphics card.

  • Mount and blade throwing weapons